El día 20 de junio de 1972 a las 05:30 la policía
encuentra a dos cuerpos sin vida, con las cabezas separadas del cuerpo,
sesgadas por las metálicas ruedas del tren en las vías, a su paso por
Torrebonica (Cataluña) Sujeto a su pecho ellos tenían una nota:
"Los extraterrestres nos llaman"
Así rezaban los titulares de la prensa matutina
el 20 de junio de 1972, refiriéndose al hallazgo de
los cadáveres de José Rodríguez Montero, de 47 años y Juan Turú Valles, de 21,
ufólogos afincados en Terrasa (Barcelona), que habían puesto fin a sus vidas
arrojándose a la vía férrea.
¿Qué motivó a estos hombres a esta atrocidad? ¿Hubo
alguna inducción o ambos se suicidaron? ¿Hubo más gente implicada? Las notas no
estaban manchadas de sangre y a pesar del brutal impacto de las cuchillas de
las ruedas, no se movieron lo más mínimo del pecho ni de la posición de las
manos ¿quién se lo cree? ¿Hubo entonces alguna trama?
La muerte de otros inocentes como Juan José Gómez
Vargas, de dieciocho años, y Francisco Saureu, de dieciséis, encontrados
muertos el 2 de Abril de 1978 en la vía férrea de Lleida, en posición idéntica
a la de los suicidas de Tarrassa, fue otra de las piezas de un puzzle caótico.
Quizás todo formase parte de un experimento de
control mental. Quizás fueran "silenciados" por una agencia de
inteligencia extranjera, o quizás han viajado a Júpiter (según ellos) del brazo
de algún extraterrestre..
Hay muchas interrogantes sobre éste caso, animamos
a buscar mas..
On June 20, 1972 at 05:30 the police found two dead bodies, with their heads separated from the body, biased by the metal wheels of the train on the tracks, passing through Torrebonica (Catalonia) On their chest they had a note:
"Aliens are calling"
In the news of June 20, 1972, reported the discovery of the bodies of Jose Rodriguez Montero, 47, and John Turú Valles, 21, ufologists based in Terrassa (Barcelona), which had ended their lives by jumping into the railway.
What motivated these men to this atrocity? Was there any induction or both committed suicide? Were there more people involved? The notes were not stained with blood and despite the brutal impact of the blades of the wheel, not even moved from the chest or in the position of the hands.. who believe this? Was there any conspiracy?
The deaths of innocents as Juan Jose Gomez Vargas, 18, and Francisco Saureu, 16, found dead on April 2, 1978 on the railway of Lleida, in the same position as the Tarrassa suiciders, added more pieces to a chaotic puzzle.
Perhaps all were part of a mind control experiment. Perhaps they were "silenced" by a foreign intelligence agency, or perhaps they traveled to Jupiter (according to them), with an alien..
There are many questions about this case, I encourage to search more..
On June 20, 1972 at 05:30 the police found two dead bodies, with their heads separated from the body, biased by the metal wheels of the train on the tracks, passing through Torrebonica (Catalonia) On their chest they had a note:
"Aliens are calling"
In the news of June 20, 1972, reported the discovery of the bodies of Jose Rodriguez Montero, 47, and John Turú Valles, 21, ufologists based in Terrassa (Barcelona), which had ended their lives by jumping into the railway.
What motivated these men to this atrocity? Was there any induction or both committed suicide? Were there more people involved? The notes were not stained with blood and despite the brutal impact of the blades of the wheel, not even moved from the chest or in the position of the hands.. who believe this? Was there any conspiracy?
The deaths of innocents as Juan Jose Gomez Vargas, 18, and Francisco Saureu, 16, found dead on April 2, 1978 on the railway of Lleida, in the same position as the Tarrassa suiciders, added more pieces to a chaotic puzzle.
Perhaps all were part of a mind control experiment. Perhaps they were "silenced" by a foreign intelligence agency, or perhaps they traveled to Jupiter (according to them), with an alien..
There are many questions about this case, I encourage to search more..
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